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COVID-19 Updates 

The effects of COVID-19 are causing mass damages to the world as we know it. PPS is here to help communicate accurate information and updates to better protect and prevent attracting the coronavirus-19.

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Talking Points When Talking to Children :

News of the coronavirus COVID-19 is everywhere, from the front page of all the papers to the playground at school. Many parents are wondering how to bring up the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make kids more worried than they already may be.


  • Don’t be afraid to discuss the coronavirus. Most children will have already heard about the virus or seen people wearing face masks, so parents shouldn’t avoid talking about it. Not talking about something can actually make kids worry more. Look at the conversation as an opportunity to convey the facts and set the emotional tone. “You take on the news and you’re the person who filters the news to your kid”. Your goal is to help your children feel informed and get fact-based information that is likely more reassuring than whatever they’re hearing from their friends or on the news.

  • Be developmentally appropriate. Don’t volunteer too much information, as this may be overwhelming. Instead, try to answer your child’s questions. Do your best to answer honestly and clearly. It’s okay if you can’t answer everything; being available to your child is what matters.

  • Take your cues from your child. Invite your child to tell you anything they may have heard about the coronavirus, and how they feel. Give them ample opportunity to ask questions. You want to be prepared to answer (but not prompt) questions. Your goal is to avoid encouraging frightening fantasies.

  • Deal with your own anxiety. “When you’re feeling most anxious or panicked, that isn’t the time to talk to your kids about what’s happening with the coronavirus”. If you notice that you are feeling anxious, take some time to calm down before trying to have a conversation or answer your child’s questions.

  • Be reassuring. Children are very egocentric, so hearing about the coronavirus on the news may be enough to make them seriously worry that they’ll catch it. It’s helpful to reassure your child about how rare the coronavirus actually is (the flu is much more common) and that kids actually seem to have milder symptoms.

  • Focus on what you’re doing to stay safe. An important way to reassure kids is to emphasize the safety precautions that you are taking, “kids feel empowered when they know what to do to keep themselves safe.” We know that the coronavirus is transmitted mostly by coughing and touching surfaces. The CDC recommends thoroughly washing your hands as the primary means of staying healthy. So remind kids that they are taking care of themselves by washing their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds (or the length of two “Happy Birthday” songs) when they come in from outside before they eat, and after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the bathroom. If kids ask about face masks, explain that the experts at the CDC say they aren’t necessary for most people. If kids see people wearing face masks, explain that those people are being extra cautious.

  • Stick to the routine. “We don’t like uncertainty, so staying rooted in routines and predictability is going to be helpful right now”. This is particularly important if your child’s school or daycare shuts down. Make sure you are taking care of the basics just like you would during a spring break or summer vacation. Structured days with regular mealtimes and bedtimes are an essential part of keeping kids happy and healthy.

  • Keep talking. Tell kids that you will continue to keep them updated as you learn more. “Let them know that the lines of communication are going to be open”. “You can say, ‘Even though we don’t have the answers to everything right now, know that once we know more, mom or dad will let you know, too.’”

Do not let COVID-19 cancel your joy!

Getting Outdoors Not Cancelled

Music Not Cancelled

Family Not Cancelled

Reading Not Cancelled

Singing Not Cancelled

Laughing Not Cancelled

Hope Not Cancelled

COVID-19 Resources 

Behavioral Health System Baltimore (BHSB)


Behavioral Health System Baltimore (BHSB) is closely monitoring the situation regarding the spread of COVID-19. To support public health we have closed our main office and our staff will be working remotely. We will still be accessible via email and here to support the behavioral health provider community. You can also reach us on our main phone line at 410-637-1900. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Taking Care of Your Mental Health


This unprecedented situation may feel stressful, scary and isolating. Here are some resources to support mental health and wellness during these stressful times: 


Tips from NAMI Maryland to Cope with the News and Reduce Anxiety:

  • Avoid triggering topics in the news.

  • Limit your news consumption. 

  • Be cognizant of your social media use.

  • Practice good stress management.

  • Understand that it is normal to be somewhat concerned by this, but try to not let fear drive your anxiety to an unhealthy level.


To put this new and concerning situation into perspective:

  • Understand that it will be life-disrupting for a while.

  • Settle in.

  • We're ALL working as hard and as quickly as we can.

  • Grace is helpful. Anger is not.

  • Stay calm.

  • Keep your germs to yourself.

  • Limit large gatherings.

  • It's going to be ok but it's going to be bumpy for a while.


Resources to Support Mental Health


Baltimore's Crisis Information and Referral line are still available 24/7. Need help? Call 410 433 5175

Essential Baltimore COVID-19 Resources 


Created and maintained by the Office of City Council President Brandon M. Scott. Please contact us at 410-396-4804 or if you have questions or need assistance.

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