Hello Students
and Families of Westport Academy!
Westport Academy has teamed up with Parker Psychiatric Services (PPS) to create a group training curriculum based around the needs of the middle school students at Westport Academy. This group training series is titled, "Teen Talks."
Parents and Guardians, please take a moment to watch the below video for more information on this program. Registration is open through Friday October 8th, 2021; however, availability is limited. Please click the corresponding buttons below to get started.
or text Parker to 484848

Teen Talks: My Space.Your Space.
Explainer Video
Program Details
"Teen Talks" is a six week group training series that will be rolling out the week of October 11th, 2021 thru the week of November 20th, 2021. The first group training, "My Space. Your Space." is intended for middle school students at Westport Academy. This training is focused on setting boundaries and respecting each other's space from a behavioral health perspective. This group training will take place during the school day. Please note, there is no cost associated with this group training so long as the student is receiving one ore more services provided by PPS.
Teen Talks Registration:
Teen Talks registration is open through Friday October 8th, 2021, students must meet these qualifications:
1. Children must be middle schoolers (6th-8th graders) at Westport Academy.
2. Children must be receiving one or more wraparound wellness services with PPS, there is no cost associated with services for individuals with Medicaid.
To begin registration, text PARKER to 484848 to complete the intake form. Be sure to indicate that you are signing your child up for Teen Talks. A PPS team member will follow up with you within 1-2 business days to verify your information and share the next steps. Once your middle schooler is approved for services, you will be notified of Teen Talks details by Tuesday October 12th, 2021. Please note, anyone (ages 3+) located in the Baltimore metro area we welcome to request PPS services at any time.
About Parker Psychiatric Services:
Parker Psychiatric Services (PPS) is a "One Stop Mental Health Service Provider Without Walls." We are community based, family focused, and provide person-centered mental health support to children and adults in the Baltimore metro area. At this time, we are accepting Medicaid, Medicare, and BCBS. Our services outlined below are offered as wraparound or standalone. Ages 3+-65
Psychiatry (Medication Management)
Therapy (One on one or Group)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) - Behavioral Counseling with Life Skills programming (Group Training)
Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Program - IOP/OP (Alcohol/Drug Recovery)
Contact Information:
For questions regarding Parker Psychiatric Services, please call 410-777-8710.
For questions regarding the Teen Talks program, please contact Ms. Morris (smorris@bcps.k12.md.us) or Mrs. Haas (lnhaas@bcps.k12.md.us).